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Mikhail Sholokhov


Mikhail Sholokhov was born Mikhail Stefanovich Kuznetsov in 1905 in Kruzhilin, a small town in the Don region. His mother was married to Stefan Kuznetsov at the time so that, though Aleksandr Sholokhov was the biological father, young Mikhail took the name of Kuznetsov. This enabled him to be registered as a Cossack (which his biological father was not) with the associated privileges, including land ownership. The couple legally married eight years after young Sholokhov’s birth, after Kuznetsov had died, and Aleksandr Sholokhov adopted his son who then took his biological father’s name. Aleksandr Sholokhov was a tradesman and frequently moved but eventually settled in Kargin. Mikhail received some education but, when he was fourteen, the civil war spread to his region and, after witnessing brutalities by both sides, he joined the Red Army. As he said in his autobiography, his group chased and was chased by White partisans. He was captured by Nestor Makhno but released.

He started writing at the age of seventeen and moved to Moscow to work as a journalist, though he had to support himself with a variety of jobs. He wrote numerous stories, some of which were published in a collection in 1926, when he also started writing Тихий Дон (Part 1: And Quiet Flows the Don; Part 2: The Don Flows Home to the Sea) which was first published in magazine form and which he worked on for the next fourteen years. The book was hugely successful but he never published anything else of comparable quality. He won the Nobel Prize in 1965. He died in 1984.

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Michail Sholokhov
Michail Sholokhov
Michail Sholokhov
Шолохов, Михаил (in Russian)


(only titles translated into English)

1925 Нахаленок (The Brat)
1926 Донские рассказы (Tales from the Don)
1928 Тихий Дон (Part 1: And Quiet Flows the Don; Part 2: The Don Flows Home to the Sea)
1932 Поднятая целина (USSR: The Soil Upturned; UK: The Virgin Soil Upturned; US: Seeds of Tomorrow)
1942 На Юге (Down South)
1942 Наука ненависти (Hate)
1943 Они сражались за Родину (They Fought for Their Country)
1955 Поднятая целина (Harvest on the Don) (first part published in Новый мир magazine in 1932)
1956 Судьба человека (The Fate of a Man)
1956 Ранние рассказы (Early Stories)
1966 One Man’s Destiny and Other Stories, Articles, and Sketches, 1923-1963
1967 Fierce and Gentle Warriors: Three Stories
1970 По велению души (At the Bidding of the Heart)
1975 Stories
1984 Collected Works in Eight Volumes