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Victor Pelevin


Victor Pelevin (also known as Viktor Pelevin) was born in 1962 in Moscow. His father was in the army and his mother was an English teacher. He studied engineering at the Moscow Energy Institute and then writing at the Gorky Literary Institute (from which he was expelled). After graduating with graduating with a degree in electromechanical engineering, he worked as an electrical engineer. He then worked as a journalist, publisher and editor. He then turned to writing, initially producing short stories, before writing novels. His novels are noted for their post-modernist style, and he uses pop culture and science fiction in his work. He is also known as being reclusive, so much so that some have doubted his existence and said that he is, in fact, a group of writers.

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Victor Pelevin
Victor Pelevin
Viktor Pelevin
At 50, Victor Pelevin creates myths for the new Russia
Victor Pelevin, Russia’s most mysterious modern writer
The mysterious novelist who foresaw Putin’s Russia – and then came to symbolise its moral decay
His homepage (in Russian)
Victor Pelevin (in Russian)
Forum on Victor Pelevin (in Russian)


1990 Гадание на рунах, или Рунический оракул Ральфа Блума (essay)
1990 Затворник и Шестипалый (novella)
1990 Зомбификация. Опыт сравнительной антропологии (Зомбификация советского человека) (essay)
1991 Принц Госплана (novella)
1991 Синий фонарь (Blue Lantern and Other Stories) (stories)
1992 Омон Ра (Omon Ra) (novel)
1993 ГКЧП как Тетраграмматон (essay)
1993 Джон Фаулз и трагедия русского либерализма (essay)
1993 Жёлтая стрела (The Yellow Arrow) (novella)
1993 Жизнь насекомых (The Life of Insects) (novel)
1993 Икстлан Петушки (essay)
1996 Ultima Тулеев, или Дао выборов (essay)
1996 Сочинения (stories)
1996 Чапаев и Пустота (UK: The Clay Machine-Gun; US: Buddha’s Little Finger) (novel)
1998 Жёлтая стрела (stories)
1998 A Werewolf Problem in Central Russia and Other Stories (stories)
1998 Имена олигархов на карте Родины (essay)
1998 Последняя шутка воина (essay)
1999 Поколение «П» (UK: Babylon; US: Homo zapiens) (novel)
2001 Мост, который я хотел перейти (essay)
2001 Four by Pelevin: Stories (stories)
2002 Встроенный напоминатель (stories)
2003 ДПП (NN) (stories)
2003 Песни царства «Я» (stories)
2003 Числа (novel)
2004 Священная книга оборотня (The Sacred Book of the Werewolf) (novel)
2005 Relics. Раннее и неизданное (stories)
2005 Все повести и эссе (stories)
2005 Все рассказы (stories)
2005 Шлем ужаса: Креатифф о Тесее и Минотавре (The Helmet of Horror) (novel)
2006 Ампир В (Empire V) (novel)
2008 П5: Прощальные песни политических пигмеев Пиндостана (The Hall of Singing Caryatids is taken from this collection) (stories)
2009 t (t) (novel)
2010 Ананасная вода для прекрасной дамы (stories)
2011 S.N.U.F.F. (S.N.U.F.F.) (novel)
2013 Бэтман Аполло (novel)
2014 Любовь к трём цукербринам (novel)
2015 Смотритель (novel)
2015 Повести, эссе и психические атаки
2015 Истории и рассказы
2015 Орден желтого флага: секретный мемуар см. Алексиса Второго, Далай-папы и Великого Магистра с воспоминаниями, размышлениями, красотами речи и фигурами ума (novel)
2016 Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами (novel)
2017 iPhuck 10 (novel)
2018 Тайные виды на гору Фудзи (novel)
2020 Непобедимое Солнце
2021 Transhumanism Inc. (novel)
2022 kgbt+ (novel)
2023 Путешествие в Элевсин (novel)\

2024 Круть (novel)