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Alexander Lernet-Holenia


Alexander Lernet-Holenia was born in Vienna in 1897. His family was a military family, his father being in the Austrian navy. His mother and father were separated and Lernet-Holenia was adopted by his mother’s family. He served in the cavalry on the eastern front in World War I. His wartime experiences would be key to his literary work. He started out writing poetry but he graduated to drama, writing social comedies. It was only after 1930 that he took up prose fiction. He traveled extensively, particularly in South America. In World War II, he fought in the German Army in Poland and was wounded. In 1945 he married Eva Vollbach. After the war he continued to write, attacking Viennese society and the old monarchical values, while being very much part of them. He was against the new avant-garde writers and prevented many of them from joining the Austrian P.E.N. Club when he was president of that body. He resigned as president to protest the award of the Nobel Prize to Heinrich Böll. He died in 1976.

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Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Alexander Lernet-Holenia (in German)
Alexander Lernet-Holenia (in German)
Alexander Lernet-Holenia (in German)
Lernet-Holenia, Alexander (in German)


1921 Pastorale (poetry)
1922 Dies Büchlein sagt von hoher Minne (poetry)
1923 Kanzonnair (poetry)
1925 Demetrius (drama)
1926 Alkestis (drama)
1926 Ollapotrida (drama)
1926 Österreichische Komödie (drama)
1927 Das Geheimnis Sankt Michaels (poetry)
1927 Erotik (drama)
1927 Flagranti (drama)
1927 Saul (drama)
1927 Szene als Einleitung zu einer Totenfeier für Rainer Maria Rilke (drama)
1928 Die Frau in der Wolke (with Rudolf Lothar) (drama)
1928 Die nächtliche Hochzeit (Ein Akt) (drama)
1928 Gelegenheit macht Liebe (aka: Quiproquo) (with Stefan Zweig) (drama)
1928 Parforce (drama)
1929 Die nächtliche Hochzeit, Haupt- und Staatsaktion (drama)
1929 Tumult (aka: Mariage) (with Paul Frank) (drama)
1930 Attraktion (aka: Transaktion) (with Paul Frank) (drama)
1930 Die nächtliche Hochzeit (novel)
1930 Kavaliere (drama)
1931 Die Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen (A Young Gentleman in Poland) (novel)
1931 Lauter Achter und Neuner (aka: Kapriolen) (drama)
1931 Liebesnächte (drama)
1932 Die Lützowschen Reiter (drama)
1932 Ljubas Zobel (novel)
1933 Ich war Jack Mortimer (novel)
1933 Jo und der Herr zu Pferde (novel)
1934 Die Abenteuer der Kascha (from the novel Die Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen) (drama)
1934 Die Frau des Potiphar (drama)
1934 Die Standarte (The Standard; The Glory is Departed) (novel)
1935 Der Triumph des Todes (drama)
1935 Die goldene Horde (poetry) (revised edition 1946)
1935 Die neue Atlantis (short stories)
1936 Der Baron Bagge (Baron Bagge) (novella)
1936 Der Herr von Paris (renamed: Brakenbourg oder Der Herr von Paris) (novella)
1936 Die Auferstehung des Maltravers (The Resurrection of Maltravers) (novel)
1937 Der Mann im Hut (novel)
1937 Mona Lisa (Mona Lisa) (novella)
1937 Riviera (novel)
1938 Greta Garbo. Ein Wunder in Bildern
1938 Strahlenheim (novella)
1939 Ein Traum in Rot (novel)
1939 Glastüren (drama)
1939 Tohuwabohu (aka: Remasun) (drama)
1941 Mars im Widder (novel)
1942 Beide Sizilien (novel)
1945 Die Titanen (poetry)
1946 Der siebenundzwanzigste November (short stories)
1946 Die Trophae (poetry) (published privately in 1941)
1946 Germanien (poetry)
1946 Lepanto (drama)
1946 Spangenberg (short stories)
1947 Der zwanzigste Juli (novella)
1948 Der Graf von Saint Germain (novel)
1948 Spanische Komödie (drama)
1949 Das Feuer (poetry)
1949 Drei große Liebesgeschichten (short stories)
1949 Seltsame Liebesgeschichten (short stories)
1952 Die Inseln unter dem Winde (novel)
1952 Die Wege der Welt (short stories)
1953 Die drei Federn (novella)
1953 Monologische Kunst? Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander Lernet-Holenia und Gottfried Benn (correspondence)
1954 Der junge Moncada (novel)
1955 Das Finanzamt (novel)
1955 Der Graf Luna (Count Luna) (novel)
1956 Das Finanzamt (from the novel of the same name) (drama)
1956 Radetzky (drama)
1957 Das Goldkabinett (from the novel of the same name) (drama)
1957 Das Goldkabinett (novel)
1958 Die Schwäger des Königs (drama)
1958 Die vertauschten Briefe (novel)
1959 Der wahre Werther
1959 Die wahre Manon
1960 Mayerling (short stories)
1960 Prinz Eugen (biography)
1961 Naundorff (biography)
1962 Das Halsband der Königin (novel)
1963 Das Bad an der belgischen Küste (short stories)
1964 Götter und Menschen (short stories)
1964 Die Goldene Horde; Gedichte und Szenen
1965 Die Thronprätendenten (drama)
1965 Die weisse Dame (novel)
1967 Pilatus (novel)
1968 Die Hexe von Endor (drama)
1969 Die Hexen (novel)
1971 Die Geheimnisse des Hauses Österreich (novel)
1972 Pendelschläge (short stories
1974 Die Beschwörung (novel)
1989 Das lyrische Gesamtwerk (poetry)