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Peter Rosei


Peter Rosei was born in 1946 in Vienna. He studied law at the University of Vienna and received a doctorate in law in 1968. After working as secretary to the artist, Ernst Fuchs, he started a small textbook publishing house. Tired with commercialism, he soon gave this idea up and, in 1972, moved to Bergheim, a small town, near Salzburg, to devote himself full-time to writing. He lived simply and kept himself to himself. He returned to Vienna in 1981. His work was initially gloomy, with an emphasis on death and destruction but he later moved, as can be seen in his story collection Entwurf für eine Welt ohne Menschen, Entwurf zu einer Reise ohne Ziel (Plan for a World Without People, Plan for a Journey Without a Goal), to the idea of a journey without a goal, where the characters wander around aimlessly never getting anywhere. His more recent works have, however, shown characters who manage to attain a certain amount of happiness if they are more in tune with their physical and social environment. Rosei has said that, in the traditional novel, the author organizes the facts so that a coherent world appears while, in his novels, he organises the facts but it is up to the reader to create his own coherence. This may be the reason while Rosei has yet to have any great commercial success or have his novels translated into English.

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Peter Rosei
Peter Rosei – A Case Study
Peter Rosei (in German)
Peter Rosei (in German)
Peter Rosei (in German)


1972 Landstriche (stories)
1973 Bei schwebendem Verfahren (novel)
1974 Wege (stories)
1975 Entwurf für eine Welt ohne Menschen, Entwurf zu einer Reise ohne Ziel (stories)
1975 Klotz spricht mit seinem Anwalt (radio/TV drama)
1976 Der Fluss der Gedanken durch den Kopf (stories)
1977 Wer war Edgar Allan? [Who Was Edgar Allan?] (novel)
1978 Nennt mich Tommy (children’s)
1978 Von hier nach dort (From Here to There) (novel)
1979 Alben (stories)
1979 Chronik der Versuche, ein Märchenerzähler zu werden (stories)
1979 Regentagstheorie (poetry)
1979 Das Lächeln des Jungen (poetry)
1979 Innenhof (with Johann Kräftner) (architecture)
1980 Das schnelle Glück (Try Your Luck!) (novel)
1981 Frühe Prosa
1981 Die Milchstrasse [The Milky Way] (novel)
1982 Tage des Königs (drama)
1982 Versuch, die Natur zu kritisieren (essays)
1983 Reise ohne Ende : Aufzeichnungsbücher (essays)
1984 Komödie
1984 Mann & Frau (novel)
1985 15000 Seelen (novel)
1985 Franz und ich (stories and essays)
1986 Die Wolken (stories)
1987 Der Aufstand (stories)
1988 Unser Landschaftsbericht
1990 Rebus [Rebus] (novel)
1990 Die Schuldlosen (drama)
1991 Der Mann, der sterben wollte (novel)
1992 Die Reise (drama)
1992 Gespräche in Kanada (Conversations with Peter Rosei) (Wilhelm Schwarz)
1993 Fliegende Pfeile (stories)
1993 Fliegende Pfeile: aus den Reiseaufzeichnungen (essays)
1995 Beiträge zu einer Poesie der Zukunft : Grazer Poetikvorlesung (essays)
1995 Persona (novel)
1997 Verzauberung
1998 Viel früher (poetry)
2000 Basic Rosei
2000 Liebe & Tod
2000 St. Petersburg, Paris, Tokyo …
2002 Album von der traurigen und glücksstrahlenden Reise
2002 Dramatisches 1
2003 Ruthless and Other Writings (poetry, stories)
2004 Dramatisches 2
2005 Wien Metropolis (Metropolis Vienna)
2006 Die sog. Unsterblichkeit
2008 Österreichs Grösse, Österreichs Stolz
2009 Das grosse Töten
2011 Geld
2013 Madame Stern
2014 Die Globalisten
2016 Was tun?
2016 Wiener Dateien
2018 Karst
2019 Die große Straße: Reiseaufzeichnungen
2020 Ich bin kein Felsen, ich bin ein Fluss, Essays
2021 Das Märchen vom Glück