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Agustí Bartra


Agustí Bartra was born in Barcelona in 1908. He grew up in Sabadell.When he returned to Barcelona, he went to work for a textile firm. After winning a writing competition in 1934, he worked for the magazine “Amic” i “Meridià”. His first publication was a collection of short stories followed by a collection of poems. He fought on the Republican side in the Civil War and went into exile in 1939. He ended up in Paris where he met the writer Anna Murià, a fellow exile. They married. They moved first to the Dominican Republic, then to Cuba and finally to Mexico, where he co-founded the magazine Lletres. He is best-known for his poetry collection Els himnes but he also wrote prose fiction. He died in 1982.

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Agustí Bartra
Agustí Bartra
Agustí Bartra
Agustí Bartra (in Spanish)
Agustí Bartra (in Spanish)
Agustí Bartra (in Catalan)
Agustí Bartra (in Catalan)
Agustí Bartra i Lleonart (in Catalan)


1937 L’oasi perdut
1938 Cant corporal
1942 Xabola
1942 L’estel sobre el mur
1944 Oda a Catalunya des dels tròpics
1946 L’arbre de foc
1948 Màrsias i Adila
1948 Rèquiem
1951 Oda Atlàntica
1951 Una antologia de la lírica nord-americana
1953 Odissea
1956 L’evangeli del vent
1960 Quetzalcòatl
1961 Deméter
1964 Ecce homo
1968 Crist de 200.000 braços [Christ of 200,000 Arms]
1968 La lluna mor amb aigua
1970 Dodo
1971 Obra poètica completa
1972 Poemes del retorn
1972: Rapsòdia de Garí
1974: Rapsòdia d’Arnau
1974 Els himnes
1976: Rapsòdia d’Aha
1979 El gos geomètric
1981 Haikús d’Arinsal (Haiku from Arinsal)
1984 Darrers poemes (1977-1982) (Last Poems 1977-1982) (in Catalan and English)