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Llorenç Villalonga


Llorenç Villalonga was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1897. His father was in the military. Though his brothers followed in their father’s footsteps, Llorenç did not and studied medicine in Murcia, Barcelona and Madrid, before ending up at Zaragoza, where he specialised in psychiatry. He practised in Palma, first in private practice and then in the city’s psychiatric hospital. By this time, he was already writing in the press and published his first novel in 1931. He had, at this time, an anti-Catalan stance and started writing in in Spanish rather than Catalan.

By now he was writing dramas, stories and article in the press, as well as being the literary director of a local magazine. When the Civil War broke out, he took the Francoist side. After the war, he published very little. However, he moved back to the Catalan side and starred writing in Catalan. He started work on his best-known novel – Bearn o la sala de las muñecas (Bearn or The Doll’s Room; The Doll’s Room) – in Catalan but when the publisher tried to make stylistic changes, he translated and published it in Spanish, with the Catalan version only coming out five years later, and only then was it well received. He wrote many other novels, as well as plays, poetry, stories and numerous articles for the press. He died in 1980.

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Llorenç Villalonga
Llorenç Villalonga
Llorenç Villalonga (in Spanish)
Llorenç Villalonga (in Spanish)
Llorenç Villalonga (in Catalan)
Llorenç Villalonga (in Catalan)
Llorenç Villalonga (in Catalan)
Llorenç Villalonga (in Catalan)
Llorenç Villalonga (in Catalan)


1931 Mort de dama [Death of a Lady] (novel)
1934 Centro (articles)
1936 Dos conferencias sobre neurosis (psychiatry)
1937 Mme. Dillon (novel)
1938 Establecimientos completos para psicóticos (psychiatry)
1944 Chateaubriand, el vizconde romántico (stories)
1951 Mallorca (Majorca) (travel)
1952 La novel·la de Palmira (novel)
1955 Fedra (drama)
1955 Cocktail a un vell palau (drama)
1956 Bearn o la sala de las muñecas (Bearn or The Doll’s Room; The Doll’s Room) (novel)
1956 Faust-Viatge a París de Minos i Amaranta en 1947 (drama)
1958 El lledoner de la clastra (stories)
1961 L’àngel rebel (novel)
1963 Desenllaç a Montlleó, (novel)
1964 Aquil·les o l’impossible alta i benemèrita senyora (drama)
1964 L’hereva de Donya Obdúlia (novel)
1965 Desbarats (drama)
1966 Les temptacions (novel)
1967 Les fures (novel)
1967 Baleares (travel)
1967 Falses memòries de Salvador Orlan (novel)
1968 El llumí i altres narracions (stories)
1968 La gran batuda (novel)
1969 La “Virreyna” (novel)
1970 La Lulú o la princesa que somreia a totes les conjuntures (novel)
1971 Dos “pastiches” proustianos (stories)
1972 Lulú regina (novel)
1972 El misantrop (novel)
1972 Les ruïnes de Palmira (novel)
1974 Andrea Víctrix (Andrea Víctrix) (novel)
1974 La dama de l’harem (stories)
1974 Narracions 1924-1973 (stories)
1974 Flo la Vigne (novel)
1975 Un estiu a Mallorca. (novel)
1980 Julieta Récamier i altres narracions (stories)
1986 Tots els contes (stories)
1986 Pousse-café (essay)
1987 Els camins (drama)
1992 La bruixa i l’infant orat (novel)
1995 Proses rimades (poetry)
1996 Relats (stories)
1997 Diario de guerra (diary)
1997 Epistolario íntimo de Madame Erard (novel)
1998 Cartes i articles: temps de preguerra: 1914-1936 (articles)
2002 Articles polítics: 1924-1936 (articles)
2006 Alta i benemèrita senyora; L’Esfinx (Drama)
2011 Rosa i gris (novel)