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Lluïsa Forrellad


Lluïsa Forrellad was born in Sabadell in 1927. She helped found the theatre group Quadre Escènic de la Puríssima de Sabadell, where she acted and wrote plays in Spanish. She came to fame when she published her first novel Siempre en capilla [Always In The Chapel]. She won the Nadal Prize for it. This novel was written in Spanish but her subsequent novels were written in Catalan, though her next novel was not published till fifty-three years after the first. She has since wrote three further novels. She died in 2018.

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Lluïsa Forrellad (in Spanish)
Lluïsa Forrellad (in Catalan)
Lluïsa Forrellad (in Catalan)
Lluïsa Forrellad (in Catalan)


1953 Siempre en capilla [Always In The Chapel]
2006 Foc latent
2008 Retorn amarg
2009 El primer assalt
2011 L’olor del mal