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Narcís Oller


Narcís Oller i Moragas was born in Valls in 1846. His father died when he was two and he grew up in a the manor house of his mother s family. He studied law and first worked as a civil servant for the Barcelona Provincial Council and later as a solicitor for the Courts, continuing almost until his death. He started writing in Spanish, though most of his early work is lost. He then switched to Catalan.

He was influenced by realist writers such as Zola but also by Spanish writers such as Juan Valera and Benito Pérez Galdós. He came to know some of these writers, who tried to convince him to write in Spanish, not least for commercial reasons. He went on to write novels, plays, poetry, memoirs and stories. Only one of his novels – La bogeria (The Madness) – has been translated into English. He died in 1930.

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Narcís Oller
Narcís Oller
Narcís Oller (in Spanish)
Narcís Oller (in Catalan)
Narcís Oller (in Catalan)


1868 Un viaje de placer
1876 El pintor Rubio
1879 Croquis del natural
1882 La papallona
1883 Notes de color
1884 L’Escanyapobres,
1884 La bufetada
1885 Vilaniu
1888 De tots colors
1890-92 La febre d’or
1897 Figura i paisatge
1899 La bogeria (The Madness) (novel)
1900 Teatre d’aficionats (drama)
1903 ‘hostal de la Bolla : costums i llenguatge vulgar de Mallorca
1906 Pilar Prim
1920 El xiquet del pà ; la pitjor pobresa ; l’indiscrecció
1916 Rurals i urbanes
1918 Al llapis i a la ploma
1923 La vena als ulls : novel·la inédita
1924 El Dia de moda
1928-29 Obres completes
1962 Memòries literàries. Història dels meus llibres
1978 Contes
1988 Contes al llapis i a la ploma
1994 L’estimbada
2009 Rurals i urbanes
2010 Isabel de Galceran
2019 Ciutat i prodigis