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Víctor Català


Víctor Català was born Caterina Albert i Paradís in L’Escala in 1869. Her parents were landed gentry. Her first publication was at the age of fourteen when she published love poems in Almanach de l’Esquella de la Torratxa. She published further poems, including one called La Infanticida which caused considerable scandal, particularly when it was realised that it was written by a woman. As a result she adopted the male pseudonym of Víctor Català, a name of a character in a novel she was writing (which she never finished). She had considerable success with her first novel Solitud (Solitude), which has become a classic of Catalan literautre. She only published one more novel but produced numerous stories, as well as poems and other short prose pieces. She stopped publishing at the start of the Spanish Civil war and only resumed in 1944. She died in 1966.

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Víctor Català
Víctor Català
Víctor Català
Víctor Català (in Spanish)
Víctor Català (in Spanish)
Víctor Català (in Spanish)
Víctor Català (in Catalan)
Víctor Català (in Catalan)
Víctor Català (in Catalan)
Víctor Català (in Catalan)
Víctor Català (in Catalan)


1901 El cant dels mesos (poetry)
1905 Llibre Blanc-Policromi-Tríptic (poetry)
1901 Quatre monòlegs (monologues)
1902 Drames rurals (stories)
1904 Ombrívoles (stories)
1907 Caires Vius (stories)
1905 Solitud (Solitude) (novel)
1920 La mare Balena (stories)
1926 Un film (3000 metres) (A Film (3,000 Meters) (novel)
1928 Marines (anthology)
1930 Contrallums (stories)
1944 Retablo (stories)
1946 Mosaic (prose)
1950 Vida mòlta (stories)
1951 Jubileu (stories)