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Cecilie Løveid


Cecilie Løveid was born in 1951 in Mysen. Her father was a ship’s captain and her mother an actress. She grew up in Bergen with her grandparents on her mother’s side. She attended the Norwegian School of Crafts and Design and has also studied drama. She had an early interest in the visual arts. She initially wrote novels, then plays and more recently poetry. One of her novels and one of her plays, about Vidkun Quisling have been translated into English.

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Cecilie Løveid
Cecilie Løveid
Cecilie Løveid
Cecilie Løveid
Cecilie Løveid
Cecilie Løveid
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Cecilie Løveid (in Norwegian)


1972 Most (novel)
1974 Tenk om isen skulle komme (novel)
1976 lltid skyer over Askøy (stories)
1977 Fanget villrose (novel)
1979 Sug (Sea Swell) (novel)
1990 Badehuset (text and photos with Lisbeth Bodd and Asle Nilsen)
1994 Maria Q (Maria Q) (drama)
1999 Mykt glass (poetry)
2001 Spilt. Nye dikt (poetry)
2007 Gartnerløst (poetry)
2008 Nye ritualer (poetry)
2010 Svartere bunader (poetry)
2012 Flytterester (poetry)
2013 Dikt 2001-2013 (poetry)
2017 Vandreutstillinger (poetry)
2019 Dikt og tekster 1968-2000 (poetry/prose)