Péter Nádas
Péter Nádas was born in Budapest in 1942 and was raised by his grandparents as his mother died of cancer and his father, a state prosecutor, committed suicide shortly after the 1956 Hungarian uprising. He studied chemistry and photography and became a photojournalist. Emlékiratok könyve (A Book of Memories) was a cause célèbre, taking five years to get past the censors, and then attracting considerable attention in Hungary when first published in 1986.
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Péter Nádas
Péter Nádas
Péter Nádas
A Writer Who Always Sees History in the Present Tense (profile)
Interview Part 1
Interview Part 2
(Note only books translated into English)
1977 Családregény vége (The End of a Family Story)
1979 Leírás: Elbeszélések (Love)
1986 Emlékiratok könyve (A Book of Memories)
1995 A fotográfia szép története (A Lovely Tale of Photography)
2002 Párhuzamos történetek (Parallel Stories)
2004 Saját halál (Own Death)
2005 Párhuzamos történetek (Parallel Stories)
2007 Fire and Knowledge: Fiction and Essays
2017 Világló részletek. Emléklapok egy elbeszélő életéből (Simmering Details)