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Gruppo 63

A group of Italian writers who first met in the Hotel Zagarella in Palermo in October 1963 (hence the name) who proposed moving away from the previous generation’s realistic approach and adopting a more modernist outlook, inspired by writers like James Joyce, Franz Kafka and Marcel Proust. The group included writers such as Nanni Balestrini, Luciano Anceschi, Giorgio Manganelli, Luigi Malerba, Renato Barilli, Piero Buttitta, Alberto Arbasino, Umberto Eco, Angelo Guglielmi, Furio Colombo, Alfredo Giuliani, Edoardo Sanguineti, Raffaele la Capria, Gillo Dorfles and Marina Mizzau. They tended to have a left-wing outlook and were influenced by structuralism. As well as novels, they produced experimental poetry and theatre.

Books on the Gruppo 63

Nanni Balestrini (editor): Gruppo 63: il romanzo sperimentale
Nanni Balestrini and Alfredo Giuliani (editors): I novissimi. Poesie per gli anni Sessanta (I Novissimi: Poetry for the Sixties)
Alfredo Giuliani and Nanni Balestrini (editors): Gruppo 63. L’antologia
Niva Lorenzini, Fausto Curi, Renato Barilli, Patrizia Cuzzani (editors): Il Gruppo 63 quarant’anni dopo (in Italian)

Other links

Gruppo 63
Gruppo 63: The Futurist Legacy in the Italian Neoavanguardia
Gruppo 63 (in Italian)
Gruppo 63 (in Italian)
Gruppo 63 e Neoavanguardia (in Italian)
rel=”noopener”>Gruppo 63: Intervista a Umberto Eco (in Italian)
Il Gruppo 63 contra tutti (in Italian)